Thomas Bullock Trust
The Thomas Bullock Trust oversees the distributions of funds resulting from a bequest by Thomas Bullock in 1735 for teaching the poor of the parish of Shipdham. Nowadays, as well as supporting Thomas Bullock C of E Primary Academy (for items not normally provided by the Diocese of Norwich Education Academy Trust) it also gives grants to young people under the age of 25, living in the parish, to further their wider education, including apprenticeships, and their social and physical development.
The Trustees
Three ex officio Trustees from All Saints Church
Rev Laura Purnell
John Larwood Chairman (Churchwarden)
Sally Watters (Churchwarden)
Two Parish Council representatives (serving 4 years)
Samantha Shelley (expires 2028)
Kate Aldridge (expires 2028)
Two co-opted Trustees (serving 5 years)
Jo Dewing (expires 2027)
Viv Bebbington (expires 2028)
How does an individual make a claim for funding?
Application deadlines: all applications for university and further education grants are 30th Sept – other dates for applications are 31st Dec and 30 April each year. Grants cannot be made retrospectively.
Please note there is a new format of the application form for grants, to allow on-line banking and to include a statement re GDPR – the link is TBT Grant Application Form. All applications should be sent to Clerk at
Applications can be made for contributions to school trips, bus passes, after school clubs etc.